I didn't get much sleep last night. So I was gonna go to class, then come back to get some sleep. But I ended up ran into Rogelio, then talked to Mariana for a few minutes before she went home. After this, I thought of going to Aubrey's painting class to check out other people's work. But she didn't have painting class today. I texted Matt "I need a hug" earlier around noon. He got outta class around 2, so he texted me back "do you still need a hug?" He meet me at Crystal's. I was walking really slow cuz it was really cold outside, I could barely move. When i was walking down the stairs, I saw him coming towards me. Unbelievably, he even came out and looked for me. I felt my mobile vibrated, I knew it was him calling me because we are walking towards each other. He soon saw me, so he hung up. He came up to me, we stood real close to each other. I saw it in his eyes that he was expecting a hug. But since I didn't get my hands outta my pocket or act like I was going to run into his arms. He acted nothing. We stood outside for a few minutes. I told him I didn't feel my ears anymore. He laughed, then asked if I wanted to go somewhere warm. So we headed back to the Student Center. Went to the bookstore for chips, but they didn't have the kind he wanted, so we went upstairs to the candy shop. While we were waiting for somebody to come to us, I noticed he was wearing a button up shirt as well! Both him and Baily wore blue today... I kept meaning to wear blue, but I just kept wearing the yellow one...*sigh* Mine was marine blue, both of Matt's and Baily's are light blue... Our clothings totally matched today. Button-up shirts with big jacket, his was marine blue and mine was cerulean blue. And the inside of his jacket was yellow, which totally matched with my shirt. We joked around. And we both felt the chemical change between us. After we established our relationship was just brotherhood. This is kind of awkward for me. I obviously hated southerners. And he obviously liked big boobs women.
I called Aubrey earlier, so she called me back when I was reading the magazines at Crystal's while Matt was eating his sandwich. I called her back and told her I was at Crystal's with Matt. She asked if we wanted to do something, but I told her Matt had to work. I was really bored, but she didn't have to work till 5. So after gossiping about the celebrities in the magazines, Matt went to work around 2:40. And I went home...
If he gets online tonight, I wonder what would happen...I didn't get the hug I asked for. And there certainly was something going on between us today. It was weird, I didn't say a word about it, neither did he. I admit that I was kind of attracted to him lately. But I don't think that would lead to something more... Not to mention I'm leaving this place, there's no way I could hold this...

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