Bus got me to Taipei around 6ish, at the train station. I actually got there before Sartre was at the book store, so me and my queen walked all the way down there to find him. But he wasn't exactly in there. He was sitting outside, enjoying his music..(-_-) We didn't take the bus or subway. We've already walked pretty far, so why not just walk all the way to the hotel. We met Luny outside the subway station, then to McDonald's for supper. Kama was was always late..No doubt of that. We waited about half an hour, he finally showed up. Yep, still nicely dressed.. Black is the safest colour. And it suits him well, too.
We checked in a four-bedroom, so me and Sartre were outside waiting when they were at the front desk checking in. Then we just walked in there like we lived First time, we even ran into the fucking wrong elevator..lmao..Luny said ladies could pick the bed first. Although I picked the cornor one, Sartre ended up sleeping on that bed, and I felt asleep on the bed next to her, which supposed to be hers, but everyone sat on it and fucked it Don't remember how I passed out or when. Should be around 5am-ish.. No idea how the fuck did we end up staying up so late. We picked up Kevsod around 9ish, if I remember correctly. Then the TV got all of us. Luny's PSP got Kevsod He couldn't stop playing it. I think I fell sleep watching him playing it.
Didn't wake up till about 8 or 9am.. When those crazy reded fuckers woke me up..! (=_=) I bet I woke up with an angry shit face looking out to the window, just listen to them screaming bullshit. And, of course, that was the time I realized that Kev was next to me all After we woke up, Luny awakened as well. Kev jumped into his bed, I just looked at the window for a few seconds, then walked back to my own bed all sleepy and shit. But soon, Luny jumped in as That was the moment I realized why everybody said it was freezing cold last night, but I didn't feel a thing at all.. 'cause I got people warm the damn bed for me all alone..XD"
Luny went out in the morning, said that he'd be back around noon. So the four of us, Sartre, me, Kev, and Kama went for lunch ourselves. Couldn't really taste a thing, but sure the pasta were awesome.. My brain didn't start working till I drank down that huge assed coffee. Guess that's what happens when you got addicted to caffeine :p It's so not fucking good.. And the worst part was that I bought 2 packs of ciggies right NO! I didn't smoke them at all..! Trust me..!
Luny came back after me and Sartre checked in a new room, three-bedroom. Then we rushed to pick up our seat numbers (Is that what it was?). Thanks to Sunny, we didn't get number Oh, well, it didn't really matter, anyway.. Because Sartre kissed me, so nothing else mattered...XD.. There's only one thing better than orgasm - kissing a chick in front of the crowd <3 I think me and Sartre got number 3 and 4. The rest of them got 8 to 11 or something..
After buying a shit load of shirts, we rushed back to the room to put our makeup on. We had Sunny went out to buy our supper first, because he always made us wait for him..XD.. We watched some stupid-ass Hong Kong film while we waited, but it was funny as shit..!.. Makeup takes forever..! But i did enjoy having Sunny's face as my painting palette <3 Luny never liked makeup. But we, somehow, got him to put some eyeline and a tear That was pure miracle.. I was out of my pills. And I knew the concert would got me high, so I didn't dare to take any before the concert. So I was real tired the whole time. Finishing everybody's makeup hit my limitaion. I was the only one who didn't put anything on my
Seeing Tilo Wolff in person for the first time.. that feeling was beyond comprehension.. The love of my life stood right in front of me. I could always reach for him if I wanted to, but I just couldn't dare. He stood on the stage singing his song with his tempting voice. And I just suddenly forgot how to breathe.. When the third song began, Lezte Ausfahrt: Leben, my tear just fell down helplessly. I was grabbing Luny and Kev's hands the whole time. It was a dream come true. A night of miracle. I don't remember most part of it, but i remembered the feeling of it. I remembered I kissed Sartre while we were lying in front of the stage..XD.. I remembered Sunny called me a slut for kissing a chick..XD.. And, of course, I kissed a shit load of people that night, I just couldn't help Concert always got me high.. I am, indeed, without a doubt, educated in a shithole called United States of America.
Kev had to leave tonight. All of us, except Sunny, walked him to the train station so we could protect him from those red We didn't catch the early train, so we ended up eating another supper at McDonald's. Goodbye was always the hardest part. Especially my hands won't fucking stop shaking because I didn't take my damn pills. I bet I looked all pissed off and angry. I was, in a way, since Mr. Lin called me for some stupid bullshit I never wanted to repeat them, not in this lifetime..! Anyways, if I didn't act excited or sad or any kind of emotion, or didn't have the expression I should have on my face, sorry, people..XD..
We walked Luny to buy his bus ticket, then back to hotel. It was just about time Sunny came back with his boyfriend's job application form or something. Dear Sunny doesn't even know what "telephone" means..lmao.. That was the cutest thing I've ever seen.. When time came for Luny to leave, we just finished translating that form into chinese. So Sunny walked him out. That was pretty much the end of our Lacrimosa journey. My useless heart wouldn't allow me to fucking stay awake, so I pretty much passed out right afterwards. But I remembered Kama took a shower before he went to bed. I think Sartre passed out about the same time I did. Next morning, Sartre's alarm was Lacrimosa's music. So it was a great beginning. A great beginning for back into the reality.. "Everything that has a beginning has an end." When the next chapter begins, I hope I will be prepared.
Steph called while I was on the train. Good thing that she called. She said she meant to call the night before, but she was in Chicago. I told her it was alright. I was way too fucking high, anyway..XD.. I guess everybody walks in circles. Things always end up going back to her. We talked till my mobile battery

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